Welcome to Maple Ash
Grant year 2016-17
Circumference—12’5” (149”) at widest area of bottom rocks
Mill Ave. & 10th St.
Tempe, AZ

detail of Welcome to Maple Ash standpipe
The standpipe on 10th Street and Mill Ave. is at an entry point to the neighborhood. It is at the intersection of the neighborhood with Arizona State University, which plays a large role in the community. Many professors and students live in Maple Ash. Others take advantage of the cultural events of ASU. This standpipe can be viewed as four sections. The one facing Mill Avenue has large metal letters to identify the neighborhood to those driving by. The section facing 10th Street has a bike rider, a depiction of Gammage Hall and a sign pointing to ASU. The next two sections show three types of historic homes from the neighborhood, Mission, Cottage and Ranch. Along with depictions of people and animals is a band of lettering that states: Mature tree, historic homes, friendly neighbors.